Most of the Black To Comm’s 7th LP EARTH was composed under the influence of heavy pain killers while recovering from a broken leg. It’s unfortunate to have to blow those on actual, physical pain, but EARTH was built on broken bones. The music (like the film) is about slowness and decay, states of unconsciousness, sleeping and waking up, dying and being reborn. The film is basically a post-apocalyptic collage based on paintings by classical European painters (Caravaggio, Delacroix, Rembrandt, Géricault) — the music tries to translate that concept employing similar collage-based sampling techniques using loops made from vintage vinyl and shellac records combined with acoustic and electronic instrumentation and voice. EARTH puts me in mindset similar to that evoked by Gifts era Loren Connors and Scott Walker’s Tilt, and we’re as excited to be working with Marc as you will be to spin EARTH.